Old Bridge Board of Education Agenda Session November 14, 2023_2_2.mp4
Mr Jordan [00:00:26] Good evening. Pursuant to New Jersey Open Public Meetings Act, adequate notice of this meeting has been provided by advertising such notice in the Home News Tribune, the Asbury Park Press, the Board Office, the schools, and on Cablevision, Channel 118 and Verizon FIOS Channel 24. And by filing such notice with the township clerk. This meeting was scheduled for Tuesday, November 14th, 2023. The board will take formal action on payment of bills and other agenda items. Mr. Mayor.
Mayor [00:00:55] Thank you. Mr. Jordan, of the Old Bridge Township Board of Education acknowledges that the law of this state establishes that members of the public, including members of the board, have the right to record public board meetings using audio or video recording devices, provided that that act of recording does not interfere with the business of this public board meeting. Therefore, the board makes it known that any such recording is to be considered a private recording of the individual, and a no manner represents the official record of this board. The board, therefore takes no responsibility for such private recording and completely disavows any future use record. Ms. Antonio.
Speaker 3 [00:01:37] Present.
Mayor [00:01:37] Mr. Beaudry.
Speaker 3 [00:01:38] Present.
Mayor [00:01:39] Ms. Lint. Mr. Marquette.
Marquette [00:01:42] Here.
Mayor [00:01:43] Mr. Slade.
Slade [00:01:44] Here.
Mayor [00:01:44] Mr. Singh. Mr. Silokowski.
Silokowski [00:01:47] Here.
Mayor [00:01:48] Mr. Weber and Mr. Giordano.
Giordano [00:01:51] Here.
Mayor [00:01:52] A quorum exists.
Mr Jordan [00:01:54] All rise for Pledge of Allegiance and remain standing for a moment of silence.
All [00:02:01] [The American Pledge of Allegience]
Mr Jordan [00:02:15] In memoriam, the Board of Education acknowledge the death of Mary Alice Maher school nurse and expressed its deepest sympathies to her family and friends.
Mr Jordan [00:02:24] Thank you.
Mr Jordan [00:02:38] Who would like to read the Code of Ethics Corner for next week?
Speaker 3 [00:02:43] I'll do it again.
Mr Jordan [00:02:44] Okay. Thank you. Approval of minutes. Any questions or discussion? Okay. We will have our report of our student representative to the board next week. Recognition. Any questions or discussion?
All [00:03:01] Yes. We will have three retirees. Hopefully couple more. We don't know, but I'll go over that next week. Thank you.
Mr Jordan [00:03:17] Thank you. Anything on their superintendents report or progress towards goals you'd like to mention this week, Mr. Steele?
Speaker 4 [00:03:23] I have nothing. This week. We will have a superintendent's report next week.
Mr Jordan [00:03:28] Any coorespondance? And we have our special committee reports next week. Now, moving on to.
All [00:03:37] Yes, we will have curriculum.
Mr Jordan [00:03:50] I'm going to go over the policies during the policy section. So now we will go to hearing of the residents on agenda items only. Okay. Moving on to policy.
Speaker 5 [00:04:09] Thank you, Mr. Jordan. And so. In the policy committee meeting, we moved right into a policy that warranted a lot of public discussion. But we do have a stress estimate policy alert 231 to go over, and we will do that. Now, I'll try and move through this as quickly as possible. There is nothing too momentous on this, but things that we need to get on for first reading, possibly for next week if the board is in support.
Speaker [00:04:37] So taking these in order from the list that board members have from the policy meeting we were just in, the school leadership councils is for Abbott districts does not apply to you. We do not have to take any action on that policy and regulation. 164201 sick leave you already took care of in September. Those are now your policies that have been adopted. Policy 2270 religion in the schools. Not as controversial as you would think. The document has been in place for years. There is a federal Department of Education guideline document that is important not only in terms of access and implementation of the establishment and free exercise clauses of the First Amendment in terms of religion, but also in terms of school funding. It is a condition of state funding of I'm sorry, federal funding to your district. And this is up this document has been slightly updated this year, which is happens every couple of years. So the short version is. Everything is remaining the same. Religious exercise and expression is allowed outside of your curriculum, not inside of your curriculum. And that applies to staff members when they are not administering the curriculum as well as students. So that is recommended for adoption as revised, unless anyone has any questions. If not, policy and regulation 2419, Threat Assessment teams. That is a new initiative this year in the state which seeks to make sure that a student who has a growing disciplinary record is not a threat to him or herself or others. That is also already a policy of record for you. We did that in September, so no additional action is necessary there.
Speaker 4 [00:06:28] Just one addition to the board on that one. Although it was required as a practice in September 1st of 2023, the district, through initiatives working with Mr. Keller and his office. We started that in the spring of 2023 as a practice.
Speaker 5 [00:06:46] Next, policy regulation taken together 3161 and 4161 because that applies to 3000 supplied your teaching staff members, certified staff members, and before thousands apply to support staff members. This just clarifies and updates the current state law and regulation language on situations where the board needs to direct an employee to undergo a fitness for duty assessment. Minor updates in the process. Nothing substantive. If everyone's okay with that. That's also recommended for adoption as revised.
Speaker [00:07:20] We discussed earlier in this school year, [the Or yes], the school year, the July 3rd massive change in the sick leave law applicable to school district employees. That has been revised already as a result of it policies 3212 and 4212, attendance are also being revised because those definitions have a ripple effect into other policies. So that is recommended for adoption as revised unless there are new concerns there.
Speaker [00:07:55] Next, the right of policy, a right of privacy policy. There is a recommended update. It is not required, but it is an update to 33, 24 and 4324 again, for certified and non-certified staff members. You have a policy in place already that prohibits students from recording staff members at work. That is a necessary and appropriate thing for the functionality of classrooms and instruction. What the new proposed policies do is extend that to anyone else who is in the classroom. Any adult who is in the classroom from recording a teacher or staff member performing their job unless there is consent without that revision to the policy, like the student policy. New Jersey is a one party consent state, which means if I call Sal here on the phone, I can record that conversation without his consent. And it's perfectly legal in a place of public accommodation in an educational entity. You can regulate that to protect your teaching staff members and your educational process. So board members, your pleasure on adding 3324 and 4324 to include anyone else not recording staff members without consent. Everyone comfortable with that or any discussion or request or questions. All right. We'll add that for a first reading at the next meeting.
Speaker [00:09:28] Next one, the policy, 3432 and 4432. These are the old, separate sick leave policies that got swept up by the new sick leave policies. So we're we're abolishing this. Examination for cause. 4161 I'm just going through this list. We already covered that one. We already covered 42, 12 and 4324 and 4432.
Speaker [00:09:57] Next. Policy and regulation 50 111 which is eligibility of resident and nonresident students. This is all the bases upon which students can be admitted or retained in the old school district. This is a lengthy and required policy. I think this is one of the ones that drift above 20 pages, but there is just one revision being presented here. A 2023 revision in state law provides that while a Board of Education can choose to allow nonresidents to be admitted and you do so only with payment of tuition. If you're going to do that on a case by case basis, you have to set a fixed annual rate and provide it to the county superintendent. That does not change your authority. It just changes your process. So that is recommended for adoption as revised unless there are any concerns.
Speaker [00:10:54] Relatedly, policy and regulation 50116 homeless students. This is a mandated policy with one hopefully never used addition, and that is per a revised state law from this summer. If an old student is displaced and becomes homeless as a result of a natural disaster or terrorist attack, that student may remain enrolled in the district for up to two years. That's mandatory under state law. So that's recommended for adoption as revised.
Speaker [00:11:26] Policy and regulation 5460.02 is the bridge year that like the masks, that is a Covid policy that has now run through its active time. The class of 2022 was the last class that would be directly affected by that. So that is being abolished as no longer applicable policy.
Speaker [00:11:51] 6361 Relations with vendors is an Abbott district policy. No action is required and old bridge.
Speaker [00:11:58] And lastly the three policies 8500 8540 and 8550. Food services. These are mandated policies under state and federal law and stress as recommending abolishing the two separate nutrition and meal charge policies and re adopting one comprehensive policy 8500 implementing all the requirements and streamlining things. There is one option in late in the policy. I will speak to Joe and Joanne about that to maintain your status quo as far as meal charges go. But with these clarifications, we recommend adoption of that as revised as well, unless there are any concerns. So having gone through those rather quickly, of course.
Jay Blade [00:12:45] Real quick, you talk about outstanding food bills for the students all. Yes. Okay.
Speaker 5 [00:12:51] If any board members have questions when the first readings appear on your agenda for Tuesday next week, we can talk about them then. Certainly. And that will just be a first reading. Second reading to appear in December. And that's it for policy.
Mr Jordan [00:13:12] Thank you very much. Any any questions on those policies? Craig. Curriculum and professional development items one through four. Any questions or discussion?
Mr Jordan [00:13:25] Finance item number one will be approving. And I have a motion.
Speaker 6 [00:13:30] Stanton All move.
Speaker 7 [00:13:31] Giorgio Second.
Mr Jordan [00:13:32] Any discussion? Roll call.
Jay Blade [00:13:38] Mr. Slade. Yes.
Speaker [00:13:40] Mr. Sitkowski. Yes.
Speaker [00:13:42] Ms. Dantonio. Yes.
Jay Blade [00:13:44] Ms. Georgi. Yes.
Jay Blade [00:13:46] Mr. Marquette. Yes.
Speaker [00:13:48] And Mr. Giordano. yes.
Speaker [00:13:50] The resolution one passes.
Mr Jordan [00:13:53] The remaining items. 2 to 8. Any questions or discussion? Athletics items one into any questions or discussion. Non certificated personnel office items 1 to 3 Any questions or discussion? Non certificated personnel operational items one through three. Any questions or discussion? Now certificated personnel. Other item one will be up for vote. Can I have a motion?
Speaker 3 [00:14:26] Jodrell move.
Speaker 6 [00:14:27] Gentlemen. All second.
Mr Jordan [00:14:30] Any discussion? Roll call?
Jay Blade [00:14:34] Mr. Antonio. Yes.
Speaker [00:14:35] Ms. Jodry.Yes.
Jay Blade [00:14:37] Mr. Marketa. Yes.
Speaker [00:14:38] Mr. Slade. Yes.
Speaker [00:14:40] Mr. Sikorski. Yes.
Speaker [00:14:42] And Mr. Giordano. Yes.
Speaker [00:14:44] Resolution one passes.
Mr Jordan [00:14:49] And the remaining items two through six. Any questions or discussion? Certificated personnel items one and two in motion.
Speaker 3 [00:15:01] Dantino move.
Speaker [00:15:02] Jodi the second.
Mr Jordan [00:15:05] Any discussion. Roll call.
Jay Blade [00:15:09] Mr. Johri? Yes.
Jay Blade [00:15:11] Mr. Makara? Yes.
Speaker [00:15:13] Mr. Slade. Yes.
Speaker [00:15:14] Mr. Sola Koski. Yes.
Speaker [00:15:17] Mr. Antonio. Yes.
Jay Blade [00:15:19] And Mr. Giordano? Yes.
Speaker [00:15:20] Resolution one and two pass.
Mr Jordan [00:15:25] And the remaining items? Three through 14. Any questions or discussion? Okay. Now certificated personnel transportation items one into any questions or discussion. Transportation items one through three. Any questions or discussion? Supplies, equipment and services items one and two. Any questions or discussion? Miscellaneous items one through 4 or 5. Any questions or discussion? Board secretary and board business. Item number one. Any questions of discussion?
Speaker [00:16:11] Okay. Moving on to hearing of the residents on any school district issue.
Elena Franciso [00:16:38] Hi, everyone. My name is Elena Francisco. I am a parent and a resident.
Elena Franciso [00:16:43] [I guess I'm just going to ask. Put it this way. Is that okay? Hear me? Okay, So just give me a second here.].
Elena Franciso [00:16:48] So I had something prepared for tonight, which I will get to. However, I just wanted to address a couple of other things. First, something that I think just kind of made me a little sad tonight that I heard some words kind of thrown around, right. The word like bigot many times. And it's disheartening for me to hear just because many of us do not agree with this policy that doesn't make us what that word defines. We are concerned parents. We love all people. And I feel like I have to say this to kind of give some perspective, although some people have thrown it back in my face in the past. But I'll say it again. My sister in law is married to a woman. My kids have two aunts, their cousins have two moms. And that's just how it is in our family. And we adore each and every one of them. And we're a family just like everybody else.
Elena Franciso [00:17:37] My issue, or a lot of us, our issue isn't with anyone in the LGBTQ community. It isn't with how anybody identifies at all. I love everybody. It's with parental notification and with sharing of facilities. That's where I mean, I'll speak for myself right now, but I know that many agree. So I just wanted to to clarify that because that part made me sad because that's not who I am and that's not who a lot of us are.
Elena Franciso [00:18:02] Secondly, jumping around a little bit because I just wanted to gather myself here. Mr. Slade, you mentioned revising the policy, which I can completely respect, right? Because I think that you have and a lot of us here up here, here in the audience, we we kind of preach collaboration and cooperation. That's how we compromise and how we we make strides, right, for our kids. But unfortunately, the state has left us with no choice because if you revise this policy, you will be sued, just like Middletown, Marlboro and Manalapan English Town. The only ones who have revised this policy have been sued. Lafayette Colts Neck. Lacey. Holmdel. Hanover. Howell. Sussex. Sussex. Wantage Cephalon. Millstone. Bernards, Sparta and Franklin Township have all repealed with no repercussions. And I understand that the goal here would be to work together. But the state, unfortunately, has left us with no choice. And if you're worried about money like Mrs. Georgia has mentioned, which of course is a concern for any taxpayer, just repeal the policy.
Elena Franciso [00:19:07] I know that it isn't ideal for both sides, and I hate to say that, but that's kind of the way it's been all night. Just repeal it. Just no, no repercussions for repealing it. So and then I just want to get to what I was originally going to say tonight. So hopefully I have enough time to get through it. I'm going to start by referencing my time as an educator. During the time I was teaching at the elementary level, I had a myriad of opportunities to interact with my students, families and guardians. I taught in a district where parental involvement wasn't as strong as the teachers would have liked it to be. And why would they want it to be strong? Because research and common sense tells us that students succeed when teachers, parents and students work together and trust each other. I can sit here all night and tell anecdotal stories of how many of my students succeeded when their parents and I were in close communication and developed a dynamic of trust and cooperation. I can also tell many stories of how some of my students did not succeed when their parents at their own doing were not part of the equation.
Elena Franciso [00:20:07] Policy 5756 will undoubtedly hinder trust within our school community. If we take away any part of this essential equation, we will not have what we need for children to succeed academically, physically, and most importantly, mentally and emotionally. Open and honest communication is crucial for our children to thrive. If we allow this policy to come between teachers and parents, imagine the breakdown of what we have worked so hard to build.
Elena Franciso [00:20:32] Can we also for a second think about our teachers, considering this is the perspective I'm going with tonight? For those of you in support of this policy, have you thought about the negative effects this policy would have on our educators? Imagine having to go home to your own family each night knowing that you are keeping a huge secret from your students family, a secret that can have done tremendous effects on that child and family. As a teacher, I would never want to keep a secret from a family. Unless, of course, like I've stated in the past, there is a documented case of abuse which we would handle on a case by case basis, just like we have since the dawn of time and education has started.
Elena Franciso [00:21:10] Another perspective that I'd like to offer. And I know that there'll be a little talk about this one, but this is this is what I see and what I hear. How do you think our teachers truly feel about all of this? And I'm sure it's it's mixed. I know that there's a few that maybe have come forward in support of the policy, but there are many who haven't spoken against it. And I know for a fact there are many who who don't want to see this policy stay in place. Well, have you ask yourself why you haven't heard from any of these teachers?
Elena Franciso [00:21:39] Am I done? Yes. Okay. All right. Thank you, everyone, for listening. Thank you.
Speaker 4 [00:21:54] Can I just ask a question? Just a point of clarity for the next. Because we because Ms. Francisco brings up a good point and it's been talked about a lot tonight. But you said something at the end, but I'm not very quite It is, under this policy, an obligation to keep, a secret from parents and and staff.
Speaker 5 [00:22:16] No, the the policy, the language on parental notification says that there is no affirmative duty to notify parents. So it is not required to notify parents. It is not prohibited to notify parents. Under the current policy as it exists.
Dean Cramer [00:22:44] Here we go. All right. My name is Dean Cramer, a concerned citizen. I mean, in fact, I would have loved to send my daughter, who seven years old, to a school. But I can't. My wife has to stay home. I have on the main provider of income because actually we don't trust the school. So what I'm hearing tonight is the school is creating a safe space for kids. But in fact, I actually think they're creating an unsafe space. I mean, let me tell you this. I'm not getting into the argument of transgender. Whoever wants to be, that's the moral argument. Okay. I have my morals. You can have your morals. You can't tell me I'm right. You can't tell me you're wrong. It's called moral relativism. Okay, we want to go there.
Dean Cramer [00:23:23] But here is the thing. We are running on the assumption that kids are safe at school with teachers. Do you know how many teachers are arrested every day for crimes against children? You know how many? I can go on and on and every second. Crimes against children, grooming children. And that rate is increasing. Listen, schools were created to teach children on subjects. Why is the U.S. education system failing children compared to other countries? I mean, kids around the world can smoke our kids in academics. My wife is from India. They can smoke everyone here, everyone here and all subjects. And the teachers can smoke American teachers.
Dean Cramer [00:23:57] Why? Because they're not having board meetings like this. That's why. Their kids are generally smarter. It's a fact. Okay. Not. Not this. Not opinion. This is a fact. Schools are meant to keep kids safe, but you're not keeping them safe by refusing meaningful information from the parents. In fact, any school that adopted a policy has become a threat. And lastly, let's be real. We are discussing a possible situation that could lead a child to make a life altering, irreversible decision to his or her body. Parents may not know. I hear what you're saying, but you're a teacher. Initially, having that discussion could lead a kid to have that. You know what's going to happen. How many lawsuits when that kid's 21 years old and says, you know what? I was fooled. I don't want this. They're going to sue the school. They're going to sue the person. So we're talking about lawsuits now. The tide is turning. There's going to be a generation that's going to sue the pants off of everyone who's involved. That's going to happen.
Dean Cramer [00:24:52] So I want you to realize that this is not about parental. This is not about transgenderism. This is about keeping parents notified on every decision the child has. The child's brains are not even developed. Why can't you drive until you're 18? Why not 15? Because your brains are developed, so you can't take it undeveloped. I mean, your brains aren't even developed into your 20s. Right. 18, 20, 30. So, I mean, let's speak a little bit of common sense. And I wouldn't I wouldn't be intimidated by New Jersey. These people, you know, they're going to sue you. I would not be intimidated by these people. I would protect the children, not be intimidated by the attorney general, the threats that he has, because the tide will turn. There will be a new generation rising up. If you think this is going to be like this forever. It will not. People are going to look back at this and be like, what were you guys thinking?
Jill DeCaro [00:25:56] Hi, how are you? Jill DeCaro. And I'm a resident. And full disclosure, I am a member of the Old Bridge Town Council. I had no intention of speaking tonight. I actually, you know, when I saw all of the people that were speaking, that lined up to speak, I thought anything that I had to say was already being said. So first of all, I want to thank Jen Dent, you know, and Margie Jody, for your well-thought out, well educated comments, taking into account all students in the district and listening to the parents and educators and the social workers and the members of the LGBT community that came out to speak tonight at the policy meeting. I thank you very much.
Jill DeCaro [00:26:46] I also want to say that I'm disappointed in board members who didn't speak and didn't share their opinions because as members of the public, we are entitled to know how you think and how you're going to vote, especially on such a very, very hot topic as this. So I'm disappointed that there were members of the board that chose not to speak tonight.
Jill DeCaro [00:27:12] My question is, so this policy was amended to the way it is, I believe, in 2017. My question is, how many times has it been applied? So because I'm trying to figure out what the outrageous I'm trying to figure out why all of a sudden this is such a hot topic since this has been on the books since 2017. I'm trying to figure out. It's racking my brain, trying to figure out. So there must be a lot of times that this policy has been applied for there to be such outrage. And, you know, so I'd like you guys to answer that question. How many times with regard to statements made that teachers don't want this? Things like that. I mean, I was sitting by a teacher tonight at the policy meeting. She was outraged at the people that want to repeal this. I mean, it's not you're not pitting teachers against parents. You're just creating a safe space. If a child if a student wants to speak to a teacher, that's all you're doing. It's not about teachers aren't absolutely not going out to seek these children. These children are feeling safe. They're they're finding these teachers as a safe space, like was said tonight, that something that clearly people weren't listening to. It's a safe space for that child to talk to until they're ready to speak to their parent. And most of the most, all of the parents here tonight, I don't think this policy is going to apply to at all, because clearly are all loving parents and clearly your child is going to share whatever with you. But again, it's that 1%, that one kid. That's all this is protecting and that it should be it should be protecting those kids that cannot speak for themselves, that are in fear. So thank you very much for your time. And if you know when this portion is done, if you guys can answer the question, how many times has this policy 5756 been applied since 2017? Thank you.
Kim Lindley [00:29:38] Good evening again. My name is Kim Lindley. I'm a former special ed teacher. I had two children. I have two children. And as a perspective, as a teacher and my point as a parent as well, I had to speak up for my child who couldn't speak. I was involved and yes, I knew the laws. But for those parents and each child, my. I didn't know the child's, one of anxiety, it's not displayed. And as far as being communicative to the parents, every word I spoke, every email I wrote, I wrote as my child, I thought of that parent. So communication is being, I guess not as an imperative as it is in the trust issue is huge because if a parent thinks that they're not being told the truth, that right in there is putting a wall. A Division, especially with elementary kids as well.
Kim Lindley [00:30:36] And the other thing is special needs children writing an IEP, a parent. It's parental rights to be involved in that. What about those those children who don't know, who can't communicate? And what about the children that are being bullied? They can't afraid to tell their parents. And then children commit suicide for different reasons. So there's so much involved in this issue that if you go ahead and especially the brain and the prefrontal cortex, and if a child or person is not really fully matured until 25, how in the world? And even as they get older. I mean, how can you make a decision at this point which encompasses the whole life?
Kim Lindley [00:31:23] You know, a parent is there to feed, provide as we all need it legally. I'm responsible. Legally, I'm responsible for the get the school legally responsible for all these things. And like that the proper what we're entitled to. We're entitled to the records. How can that be?
Kim Lindley [00:31:42] Now, this is a the elephant in the room. So that is another thing that's not been totally addressed. Specifically, you have in time, in your rights, your children to go into school to get lessons, plans to be involved. You know, it is about listening and communicating, but also experience. So you come as an educator and you come as being my child's voice. No one knows my child better than me. And also, what about all these other children that aren't experiencing those children with challenges of dysphoria? What about them? Who's speaking up for them? That would be my child. I know I would be speaking here and others would try to. But there's so much involved in this. It's not a one. Thank you, ma'am. That's not the way it goes in.
Kim Lindley [00:32:39] Teaching is not that way. And each child you have you don't teach to one child anymore. You teach to the classroom. To the special need. You have files. And if you know there may be a possibility of a file there. Like, where do you begin from that? It's just something that he can't just be answered. So if you discriminate, you save one child, you're discriminating all these other children and their parents. So. And as everybody knows, you have to search your child to look at their clothes. You have to look at is there a change in their their their behavior and why? And as a parent, you're thinking what's happening at school? You go to the teacher as a parent. Vice versa. What's going on with that child? Is there something at home? Notifying they taking notes. So that's all I really have to say. And it's just not my thing. Thanks. And thank you for your time.
16 y old [00:33:53] My name is ?? (assumed this is a 16 year old). Also, I wanted to set the record straight. I know somebody mentioned talking about being black and diverse in Old Bridge. I actually just want to say I'm multiracial. I'm Native American and Latino, and I was actually adopted by my dad. So I am so who I am absolutely, so proud of. So please don't go acting like I'm privileged and bigoted because obviously I'm not.
16 y old [00:34:16] So anyways, I'm not here to bash trans students. I'm not here to force them back into the closet or forced them out. I'm here for those kids who can't be there today. I'm here for every single child in the school systems to recommend the immediate repealing of policy 5756. Our kids deserve better than exclusive policies for the minority that fail to blanket the majority. I'm here for every little girl who could be beaten in sports by a person with chromosomes different from them. Not only am I here for those kids, I'm here to find a solution for all kids. However, this cannot be achieved by division and hate on either side.
16 y old [00:34:48] I recently came across an online forum about tonight that speaks about the opposition who wants to repeal policy 5756. Do you know what we were called? Nazis. They said it's time to stop these people before it gets worse. They are like a virus. They also said we want to control their children. I want to control their children. They have a right to parent. I know none of us are perfect, but I think calling someone a Nazi pretty clearly draws a line. I think saying we need to be stopped in a threatening way, crosses the line to whoever. So those comments from the power of my heart. Shame on you. Your hateful attitude will not solve any problems and I hope you see the error of your ways.
16 y old [00:35:25] In addition, look at the people harassing that man who was just trying to express his opinion. Nobody was aggressive to the person of the people of that view. So why was he a man coming affected by the policy? Not allowed to speak. I fail to see how the loving, tolerant group can be taken seriously after contradicting themselves, anyways.
16 y old [00:35:43] In addition, unfortunately, trans people can also be abusers. A young lesbian woman interviewed by the BBC describes being raped and sexually abused by a trans woman who threatened out the woman as a turf if she did not keep silent. Imagine if that transgender woman was allowed in your daughter's school restroom. Now, obviously, I have to say the vast majority of trans women are not rapists. Just as the vast majority of men aren't rapists. However, we still protect victims from unnecessary harm every time, even at the detriment of men. So why not apply the same issues when women rape other women? There are alternatives to our current course of action. If only we appeal policy 5756 and start a movement for change. We can be the difference. We can be the movement of h... Free of hatred and bigotry. We can conserve our children's innocence by not listening to the minority who could be here today and not the majority who isn't here.
16 y old [00:36:33] Also, I do just want to say as a teenager, I think it's absolutely abhorrent that 5756 is allowed to continue. I was raised here. I grew up here. A lot of the people who I played with, a lot of people who I volunteered with at the library are directly affected by these policies. And I can say I know a lot of people who had mental issues and weren't and the teachers weren't able to tell the parents because they said, Oh, they're trans. And that qualifies themselves to trend transness, which is kind of weird anyways. But I just want to say this policy isn't helping anyone. It claims to help people, but it really doesn't. And I think it's just I think it's a harmful thing to keep alive. I think, frankly, we need to be more aware of how this policy hurts people. Especially coming from someone who knows people who are affected by the policy. Thank you.
Paulina [00:37:31] Okay. Hello, my name is Paulina Siskowski. I live in Old Bridge and I wasn't planning on coming to this meeting. I don't even know it existed until a couple hours ago where I'm sitting in my kitchen and I'm scrolling through Facebook and I see the flier, and at the same time my dad is dead, naming my brother right in front of me.
Paulina [00:37:50] My brother is 17 years old. He's a high school student here at Old Bridge. And when he was allowed to identify as his identity through his name, through his gender at school and be acknowledged by the teachers here, I know that it made a huge impression on him and his happiness, even though at home by my father, he his identity is still ignored and his wishes are not respected. I know that to be able to go to school as who he is and to feel acknowledged was a huge thing and a huge boost to his self-esteem, his mental health, his ability to focus in school without having to constantly be defending himself. And I know that he still does because he tells me about teachers still that name him, even though he constantly corrects them.
Paulina [00:38:42] And I was at the previous meeting and it was brought up that as a parent, you would feel devastated if you heard from a teacher that your your your child was identifying as a different gender at school. Are you devastated that you're creating an unsafe environment at home for your child to not feel comfortable coming out to you and expressing these wishes? Are you devastated that you don't have the relationship that you thought you did with your child, where they feel comfortable telling you that, hey, mom, dad, I'm having these different thoughts about my gender or maybe my name because you're you shouldn't be mad at the teachers that are just trying to. And it was also brought up that the teachers are grooming these children and talking to them about trans issues. They're not doing any of that. They're just calling them by the name that is written on the roll call sheet.
Paulina [00:39:38] So. My point is that. Parents were saying that they. Are not transphobic and that they have nothing against trans kids. But in reality, you have to think as trans kids until it's your kid because you don't want that in your family and you're not creating a space and an environment for your child to feel comfortable enough to express that. Thank you.
Charles Breitweiser [00:40:17] Charles Breitweiser, a proud resident of Old Bridge.
Charles Breitweiser [00:40:23] I want to echo something someone just said earlier, about. That stupid children that we are producing. The Indian kids can smoke them using his words. But if I if I was an emperor from a foreign country looking to compete in international markets, I'd be like, Yeah, yeah. Waste your time on something like this. It's ridiculous. We're not teaching kids capitalism. We can't produce kids able to read a college level. We can't. We are not producing functional adults. I don't know about you, but I don't want to be living at home with a 40 year old kid. I'm sure a lot of you might agree with me on that.
Charles Breitweiser [00:41:12] But ladies and gentlemen of the board, I want you to understand this with your hearts. There are good teachers, and then there are teachers that are just doing the job. The good teachers are the ones that produce the productive adults that we want. And we're not getting that because we're wasting their time with silly stuff like this. Now do we want to create a separate group of bullies that nobody can talk to, talk about? If I said something against these "GLT" kids, they'd be attacking me. You watch. We're who's going to who's going to create a policy to protect the normal straight white kids? We need that. That deserves some consideration too. No, I'm not looking to bad mouth anyone or bless anyone. I'm just saying. Can't we do something more productive? Thank you.
Teresa Burns [00:42:23] Teresa Burns, Old Bridge resident.
Teresa Burns [00:42:26] I was thinking. I'm not just a resident of. Old Bridge. I'm a resident of society. And with that comes a responsibility to sometimes give up something for someone else. I'm going to say something controversial and if you have any. Questions about me personally, you can.
Teresa Burns [00:42:44] Ask me on the side. I am unapologetically pro-life to the extent that if it saves one life, I give up something. And I support this Policy as is. It is proven to save one. And that's it. And to the gentlemen who said that they don't want somebody in their house at the age of 40. I feel for you. I am so. Blessed to have two children. That I would keep in my house to the day that I die. Whether they be gay, trans or whatever. Thank you.
Gerald Maglio [00:43:20] Gerald Maglio of Neptune. I'm the director of the Dolores Turco Foundation. And we are we protect children from potential harm. Our mission is to protect children from abuse and exploitation. And I urge you to repeal 5756. We believe that every person is created in the image and likeness of God and deserving of love. So we do not discriminate for any reason, including gender.
Speaker [00:43:48] I'd like to begin with a few words for our friends in the LGBT community. We are not your enemy. We are parents who love our children with all their faults. We love you too, and we want the best for you. Your body, though, was created by God with a specific plan, meaning and purpose. He knows you intimately and he loves you passionately. You do not have to change one thing about your body or yourself. Just seek and follow the will of God and His design for your life and you will know. Peace, joy and love.
Mr Jordan [00:44:20] Sorry, could you just address the board? Sorry.
Gerald Maglio [00:44:22] Oh, I'm so sorry. Yeah. Thank you for allowing me to, um. I'm sorry. My not looking the right place is a little difficult. Okay.
Gerald Maglio [00:44:31] Couple of things that I do want to point out. One does have to do with the mental health of teens and the the false, incorrect and inaccurate information. I'd like to point out the scientific evidence has shown that cross sex medical treatment for children are harmful. 19 states have restricted these procedures. Counseling and watchful waiting is recommended instead. In fact, the transgender experiment is being recognized nationally and internationally as the biggest child abuse scandal of our time. Consequently, the Congress has introduced two bills protecting Children from Experimentation Act and the Intex Perry Funding of Gender Experimentation Act that would prohibit transgender procedures on minors nationwide and would prohibit taxpayer funding of these procedures regardless of age.
Gerald Maglio [00:45:25] Second thing the transition or suicide claim that parents must choose between a live trans son or a daughter vice versa, is not supported by scientific evidence. In fact, the landmark Swedish study shows that transgender patients, as far as 30 follow them as far as 30 years after surgery, found that after the sex reassignment surgery, the transgender patient was 19 times more likely to commit suicide than the rest of the population.
Gerald Maglio [00:45:53] You probably heard about the cultural and social factors that have a significant influence on whether a young person identifies as transgender. The peer influence, I think you've heard of that, and there is no scientific evidence showing that young children benefit from being taught in school, sexuality, transgender identity or homosexuality. Instead, it normalizes sex and anal sex and porn, promotes contraception and contributes to the STD epidemic.
Gerald Maglio [00:46:22] I just want to make a couple of points on the law. Parents do have a fundamental right under the fifth, ninth and 14th Amendments to the United States Constitution to direct the upbringing, education and care of their minor children. Federal courts are striking down illegal and unconstitutional policies that infringe on parental rights. A San Diego court ruled against the governor and state of California regarding a policy such as New Jersey has preventing notifying parents when the children want to change their genders, stating, quote, A parent's right to make decisions concerning care, custody, control and medical care of their children is one of the oldest fundamental liberty interests that Americans enjoy. And recently, a California school district paid 100,000 to a mom and her daughter for a policy that kept parents in the dark about gender identity.
Gerald Maglio [00:47:14] That brings up the. The Hanover, Hanover, that their law, their legal fees are being paid for by insurance. Just to let you know, taxpayers are not paying for this legal fees. And another district court that also made a decision regarding policies are contrary to parental rights that that court stated. There is a trifecta harm. It harms the child who needs parental guidance and possibly mental health intervention. It also harms the parents by providing them of long recognized 14th Amendment right to care and guide in health care decisions. But finally, it also harms the administration and staff of the schools who are compelled to violate the parental rights by forcing them to conceal information they feel that is critical for the welfare of their students.
Gerald Maglio [00:48:09] There was only one other point that I wanted to make regarding. Oh yes, I did want to point out that a 2021 CDC report shows stark increases in poor mental health in teens, especially among girls. 60% of American female girls.
Mr Jordan [00:48:27] Sorry. Sorry.
Terry Esposito [00:48:28] Hi, my name is Terry Esposito. I'm a ... Resident. I have two of my boys live here in Oak Bridge, and one of my grandsons live here in Old Bridges. Well, I'm speaking for them on their behalf as well.
Terry Esposito [00:48:49] Someone had stood up to de-legitimize the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons comments on one of the policies that mirror 5756. I just wanted to say that they they've been around since 1943, established they've served thousands and thousands of patients in the state of New Jersey. Their policy is to limit government, individual liberty, personal responsibility, limited government and the ability to freely practice medicine, according to time honored Hippocratic Principles. They're a legitimate organization, are legitimate doctors and surgeons, and I would respect their opinion. They do stand against these policies that are in effect.
Terry Esposito [00:49:53] Oh, sorry. I'm a little all over the place.
Terry Esposito [00:49:59] Just as importantly what they were saying. Again, the most important takeaway here is that no information can be properly withheld from a child's parents, particularly and especially when it comes to the medical and mental health of their children. The current New Jersey BOE disruptive amendments will create an adversarial relationship between child and parent, parent and teacher, potentially fueling a dangerous and life threatening environment.
Terry Esposito [00:50:23] So I'm just going to throw this out there. When a child is developing an interest in gender dysphoria, considering the reasons for this happening to children, they're attacked on every level of their young psyche. It's what they watch on TV, Nickelodeon, Cartoon Network, PBS, Disney shows like Arthur, My Little Pony, Sesame Street, Rugrats, Doc McStuffins, Blue's Clues. It's everywhere. It's in there. It's in their conversations. You know, when they're talking to their friends, it's what they watch on TV. Social media. They're being stalked by predators and social media that they have no idea who they are. They think there's somebody their age.
Terry Esposito [00:51:15] My sister was one of the original cyber angels, and she tracked pedophiles online. And she taught the FBI. She she gave courses to the FBI and how to track these people who go after children and who pose as children themselves. And she knows the deep, dark secrets that social media hides. And the children are being attacked. And if you have a child who's interested in gender dysphoria and changing their pronouns or, you know, their sex and, you know, they're being sexualized from all these things that are coming into their little minds as they go through their day to day lives. Just watching TV or being online on social media. We're talking kids, you know, from ages 5 to 14 years old. You have to ask yourself, what's influencing that? Maybe the parents need to know about this so that they can find out if they're being tracked by a pedophile or if maybe they're going over to one of their friends houses and there's an adult there in the house that's making suggestive comments to them. You know, you have to find out what's going on in this child's life. The parents need to know so that they can find out what's going on so that they can keep better track of their child's social media, you know, interactions so they can keep better track of what is going on in, you know, the TV shows and the cartoons that these children are watching while their parents are busy with something else.
Terry Esposito [00:52:48] Parents need to know because they have a responsibility to protect their child and maybe they don't know that they're being tracked by a predator, by a pedophile. You know, I mean, these things happen on a daily basis and happening more and more and more as our kids are being victimized. So parents need to know and there should be a regulation in place that that. Accommodates the parents and that the teachers should be required to tell the parents not just their obligation or their their choice, whether they should or not, based on their own personal judgment. They should be required to tell the parents when a child experiences gender dysphoria so that the parents can find out where this is coming from, what the background is, you know, protect their child. Thank you very much.
Mira [00:53:50] Hi, I'm Mira, a transgender girl living in Old Bridge, New Jersey.
Mira [00:53:54] Personally, I view of people are saying is obviously diverse and everyone has different opinions. But as someone who has done research and has experienced things in the fields of sports, school and home life, I would like to put my opinion.
Mira [00:54:06] My grandparents and most in my dad's side have disowned me and I haven't seen them for a while because they don't accept me. Trans people who are going through HRT, which means hormone replacement therapy and have lower testosterone levels than the average girl, meaning the debate on if a trans person deserves to join sports means nothing. And Mr. Slade, may I just say I love playing field hockey and I love playing sports. I love being in a team and I thrive in social groups. When I started, I was the worst on my team. Now I'm barely in the top five best players on my team.
Mira [00:54:34] This policy is extremely important for people that need it. And I feel as if the people who are speaking for this cause are constantly repeating themselves because the people on the opposing side won't listen. I've heard people compare this policy to people going through substance abuse and home life abuse, which is completely different from a gender identity.
Mira [00:54:52] One in someone's identity, and one someone's way of coping with something. Please, for the sake of transgender children and the overall small group of kids that need this this policy and the reason this policy is in place. Please keep it. Thank you.
Christina [00:55:17] Hello. My name is Christina and I'm an Old Bridge resident, parent, and incoming board of Ed member.
Christina [00:55:22] So I think what everyone is confused about is that people who are repealing this policy are being targeted as being against the LGBTQ community. And that's not what this is. Obviously not being a part of the community, I can't say how you feel and I can only talk for myself. The problem we have with this policy is about important, life altering information about our children being kept from us. A big topic right now is inclusion, but how is this policy inclusive for all 8000 plus students? How does this policy protect all children? We live in America where we have the right to have our own opinion. We shouldn't be called bigots for thinking differently than you do. In my opinion, children change their minds a million times throughout their childhood. How is it? Okay, That's something that is so permanent be kept from these children's parents. Schools across the nation are short staffed with teachers because educators do not want to deal with all the nonsense that comes with the job anymore. When my child comes home and doesn't know what a signature is, that's a problem.
Christina [00:56:17] You want to protect the children who are a part of the LGBTQ community, but how does this policy actually protect them? As everyone has stated, this policy has been in effect since 2017. But yet the violence is still happening. It is great when a child who doesn't have supportive parents at home feel safe to speak to their teacher and that shouldn't change. But at the end of the day, when school is over, these students still have to go home to those parents on the weekends. And even when these children graduate, these children still have to live with these parents. So who's going to protect them then? At some point, these children have to face their parents. So wouldn't it be easier for them to address their parents with the help of a teacher or guidance counselor, people who can actually help educate the parents on this topic? Please, let's keep school to learning. Our kids need that and the future needs that. Thank you.
Kevin Francis [00:57:18] Good evening. My name is Kevin Francis. I'm a local resident residing nearby South Amboy. I'm speaking on behalf of Gays Against Groomers New Jersey chapter. And we're a nonprofit organization advocating for parental rights all across the country.
Kevin Francis [00:57:34] I'm speaking with you tonight because I and many others across New Jersey, including parents, are deeply concerned about the problematic consequences that are bound to come into the Pld Bridge school district by lying and keeping secrets from a parent, from students parents by abolishing parental rights with policy 5756.
Kevin Francis [00:57:52] Parents have every right to know if their child is sharing a bathroom with the opposite sex. Parents have every right to know if their child is LGBT. Parents have every right to know if their child is in mental turmoil and parents knowing who their children are is nonpartisan. New Jersey law also prohibits discrimination based on race, sexual orientation, religion and ethnicity. Yet school districts around the state have adopted this vile policy 5756, which prohibits the parents to be notified if their child is in a mental crisis. To think this is even a good idea is irresponsible and immoral.
Kevin Francis [00:58:29] It is astronomically repulsive that school districts throughout New Jersey are calling parents who want to know about their child's academic life that they're being called bigots, homophobes and transphobes. Your school cannot be parenting other people's children. Your school cannot influence children with your politics and ideology. Being proactive, encouraging students to be the best that they can be is what has always been done. Indoctrinating children into thinking they're victims or oppressors is evil Marxist ideology and must be stopped immediately here and across the state of New Jersey. Policy 5756 needs to be erased and all students deserve help from their parents. Parental rights is a nonpartisan issue and never was and never will be. Parents, not the Department of Education in New Jersey and across the country. Need to be raising their own kids. We will not stop until you leave the kids alone. Thank you.
Amy [00:59:35] Hi, everyone. My name is Amy. I live in Matawan.
Amy [00:59:40] And I you know, I hope I wasn't too hard with the board in the previous policy meeting when I said, you know, I don't see diversity on the board. That might be true. But, you know, I have talked To A lot of you. And, you know, and I know many are supportive of the LGBTQ Plus community. And, you know, I know many of you have an open mind as well. You know, it's it's so hard. You know, first, it's hard to be here and, you know, to listen. Everyone is so passionate. You have so many facts that are being thrown at you of some pseudo facts, some you don't even know. Right. Maybe I'll Google them later on tonight.
Amy [01:00:28] You know, and it's I would just rely on the people that you are on the board with that spoke tonight. You know Jen she shared you know what what can be done as far as if, you know a student it feels unsafe to use a bathroom that they can ask for a private space, you know. I just feel that so many people they don't know and they can't relate because it hasn't happened to them. There's no way that you can feel exactly. You know how much this affects a person.
Amy [01:01:12] And I know parents. They're so worried, you know, that something's going to be held. Back and something that they won't be able to, you know, get information from their from their kid. But like, there are so many laws in place that and good teachers that, you know, they they will talk to you if there's a behavior problem, if their kid is struggling with a mental health issue, a good teacher is going to collaborate and talk to the parent like there are going to be signs. You know, all we're talking about right here is gender identity for a trans a transgender child. It doesn't affect most parents. We're making it about ourselves, but it really doesn't as such a small percentage of students that need to be protected.
Amy [01:02:13] Just sharing, you know, when I had the courage to come out, you know, I didn't tell my parents first, you know, I told my friends. And just being able to do that, it was such a relief. You know, it's a heavy burden that was lifted from me. It was the best feeling in the world. So to be able to tell, you know, a teacher, to be able to tell someone else besides my parent that gave me the strength, that gave me, you know, the courage. There's so many you guys don't understand that aren't part of the LGBTQ plus community, how it affects you, how it affects you on such a deep level. And to be able to share that with someone is the most beautiful thing. And it will be beautiful when you have the courage to share it with your parent too. And there were so many loving parents here today that Said they love their Children. I promise you that child will come to you and tell you when they are ready.
Amy [01:03:18] And don't. That is a beautiful thing that happens too. And to lose that, you're going to regret it. So, I mean, that's it. I just hope that you please protect the transgender kids. That's most important. So thank you, Board, for keeping an open mind.
Anne [01:03:45] Hello again. I've never been to one of these. I'll come more, I promise. My name is Anne, and I'm a nurse and a mom of three and Old Bridge.
Speaker [01:03:53] And I heard a lot of people from Old Bridge speak, and I feel like I'm in the movie Footloose, and I feel like people are going to say, we're going to ban rock music and dancing.
Anne [01:04:03] And I just I feel like this policy has been in effect for six years.No problem. I feel like we're politicizing this. You're letting like the big machine a change, a protection for such a small group of people. And I really just wish. That you would really rethink changing things when it's been working. So thank you.
Carolyn [01:04:36] Hi. I decided I would get up and speak again because as I listened to comments. Oh, I'm Carolyn from Old Bridge.
Carolyn [01:04:48] As I hear comments, I hear a lot about protecting the children and fact. One of the board members that spoke earlier, he said his first priority is safety for all. And I think all of us can agree. Safety. Yes, number one. And I do think that with all the discussion about trends because of 5756, I think we are forgetting the safety of the majority of the students.
Carolyn [01:05:20] I'm hearing unsolicited by me. More and more girls are afraid to use the bathroom and they will go all day long without using the bathroom because they're afraid of a boy being in the restroom. And it's been suggested that those those students who are afraid to use the restroom, that they would line up and use the nurse's restroom. And these are students and Old Bridge. And it's students in Matawan as well. This isn't just a problem, an old bridge. It is because of this policy. And I think if we really are concerned about safety for all, we do have to consider all the students and these girls who are you know, about that, that should be on something they never have to think about or worry about. Being able to use the bathroom, I think that's the least our schools can do for our kids is make sure they have a safe place to go and use the toilet when they need to. They shouldn't be able they shouldn't be fearful that when they go in the locker room that a boy could be on their.
Carolyn [01:06:34] I can't imagine. I graduated from high school in 1976. There was no such thing at that time as trans students, and I certainly had no fear of going into a restroom that a boy might be on there. So those children do not feel safe. And that is a much greater majority than the children than them. The percentage of trans children, even the the the the lexicon that's being created where we call just normal kids. Cisgender, a pretty derogatory term. I feel bad for kids in school today contending with all of this. That really makes learning difficult.
Carolyn [01:07:26] I also just want to say don't underestimate the value of a parent being involved in their child's knowing everything that's going on with your child. My my father was a teacher and I grew up in Florida in the 60s. He taught down there in public school. He read the Bible to a students every morning. That that was not uncommon. And that is what kids my generation, a lot of them grew up with.
Carolyn [01:07:59] We've come a long way since and not for the better. I think we're losing freedoms, rights and freedoms that we enjoyed, you know, not that long ago. I also want to say with regards to don't underestimate a parent, we had a special needs child who passed away ten years ago, born with a heart defect, and I spent months sitting at his bedside while he was in the ICU on a ventilator. And one thing I learned during that time, the doctors and the nurses all said the parents recognize the problem before we the the doctors do. And I saw that it was true many times. I knew something was wrong with my son before anything came out in the labs that they were checking or the tests that they were doing. I knew something had changed.
Carolyn [01:08:56] And I think that is part of what is being underestimated and undervalued and ignored. When we talk about should the parents be involved or should they not? Should a teacher be required to tell a parent when a child is gender confused? Or should should should they not? I'm saying the parents are the greatest asset you have when there is a child that is confused or struggling and they need to know what's what's happening and the parent, the parents and the teachers can be allies. Don't make them adversaries of each other. That's what this policy does. That's one of the things that it does. And I hope you'll reject that.
James [01:09:45] Know, it's. I. Uh, my name is James. I am an Old Bridge resident for about 20 years. Teacher for 18 years. Not in Old Bridge. New York City.
James [01:10:05] I don't want to talk about 5756. I think. I just don't want to talk about that. I do want to address some of the things that were discussed here tonight. And I would ask that the Board of Education. Address some of the misinformation officially on the record tonight. I heard several things that. Are kind of heartbreaking. Being a member of this community and. You know, as a straight man. If it's heartbreaking to me, I can't even imagine what it's like to other members of the community. But I think the Board of Education has a responsibility to correct the record. Be pleased to correct the record tonight on these particular issues.
James [01:10:51] I heard a couple of people talk about the ability to, quote, protect the normal straight white kids end quote. And somebody referred to normal kids being cisgendered. I would like the Board of Education to please affirm the belief that I'm hoping you have that kids who are not straight and kids who are not white and kids who are not gendered are also normal.
James [01:11:29] I heard people talk about the idea that teachers are groomers. I ask the board to please. Vocally officially denounce this absurdity. And stand in solidarity with the teachers in the Old Bridge school district. I ask you to assert to the public officially that you they are not groomers. They are caring and loving members of this community who have the best interests of the students at heart.
James [01:12:09] I heard people refer to the children of this community that we're not producing functional adults. We're not producing functional students. Functional kids. In a room. Where? There are. Young men and women operating equipment that maybe two people in this room know how to use. 90% of us, myself included, probably couldn't figure out how to reset the time on your on your microwave oven a couple of weeks ago. And these kids are up here producing a television show with the skills that they learned from Old Bridge school system. I ask that you denounce that rhetoric and affirm publicly. That our students are growing up to be functional adults and that they are valued.
James [01:13:11] I ask that you affirm publicly that being gay and being trans is not a mental illness. Which is the basis of so many things that we've been hearing all night tonight. That somehow. This is a mental illness that needs to be addressed. Please. Please. For the benefit of our children. Our brothers and sisters, our sons, our daughters, our children. Please affirm publicly that being gay and being trans is not a mental illness. Thank you.
James [01:14:02] And. I also heard somebody say, and this is just a legal thing that I would like addressed. I also heard somebody say that somehow 5756 prohibits and I think this is a quote I wrote, it quickly prohibits the parents from being notified when their child is in mental crisis. That is absurd. It's against the law. I would like you please to correct that. That that is absolutely not what 5756 does. So I eagerly await your responses to these. Thank you very much.
Chistopher Pallete [01:14:42] Good evening board again. Christopher Pallete. Old Bridge, 20 years, I have two daughters in this school system here.
Chistopher Pallete [01:14:51] I don't think I need to. Address that because we're mostly opinions and you're entitled to our opinions. We're all entitled to our opinions. And so. But thank you. You know, I came before it and over a second chance to come back up.
Chistopher Pallete [01:15:04] Didn't get a chance to actually use any way to kind of like, kinda taper off some of the emotion in my last time. But even a simple Query to chatgpt, it makes no sense, Makes all the sense that we that we stand here for tonight and I'm just going to go through it.
Chistopher Pallete [01:15:23] So good evening. Today I want to discuss a sensitive topic. Yeah, it's a significant one. A policy that affirms children. Behaviors in schools, specifically those considered outside societal norms. It's outside society's. Norms. Since the socially it's. Deviation and it always has been. While inclusivity and understanding are vital, we must also consider the appropriateness and impact of such policies in an educational setting. This is a simple prompt one, one little one of the few words I gave it.
Chistopher Pallete [01:15:53] Argument number one Age appropriateness. Our primary concern should be creating an age appropriate safe environment for all argue for all students. We've heard that from both sides. It's essential to balance inclusivity with development, developmental needs of the children. Also from both sides. Experts in child psychology emphasize the importance of navigating sexual identity issues with sensitivity, especially in those younger children whose understanding of these complex topics are still forming. Affirmation of certain behaviors or identities must be handled responsibly, ensuring it doesn't lead to confusion or mis guidance about healthy sexual development.
Chistopher Pallete [01:16:30] Role of education and parental involvement. Education's role is to foster learning and development when dealing with topics like sexual identity. Especially those considered deviant by societal standards. Schools must work in tandem with parents. Parents have a fundamental right to be involved in the discussions about their children's development. Including sexual identity and behavior. Policies should be developed collaboratively with input from educators, psychologist and parents to ensure they meet the best interests of children.
Chistopher Pallete [01:16:58] See, when you have a policy like 5756, you open the door.This, like the slippery slope is now being greased and you're able to have sexual deviants into your school and into your programs. It's sexual deviants. I know the one over here who's on her phone. His phone is actually not really is following. We must protect the mental, emotional Well-being of suggestive boys. You have to. Yeah, you have to. That's. We must protect. We must protect the mental and, well, emotional well-being.
Mr Jordan [01:17:27] Yes. Sorry. You're done. You're done. You're done.
Chistopher Pallete [01:17:34] Schools need to be a haven. For learning, not for deviants.
Mr Jordan [01:17:37] Yea Yea. Yea. Yea.
Mr Jordan [01:17:41] Yea. We got it.
Mr Jordan [01:17:43] You got it. You go.
Scott [01:17:46] Hi, guys. I was going to talk before that. I apologize. I'm just with the board. Please keep in mind, guys, this is the second year in a row we're dealing with this. We're starting to make our town meeting a state law and mandate forum. And we have people come up here when they should be going to Trenton to talk about this stuff, not here. So we're making decisions. Do that now without.
Scott [01:18:08] I'm Scott Missoula. I'm a teacher.
Scott [01:18:10] You know, I've heard so much about teachers tonight, and I don't know how many of us are here or what we're doing, but there's a gross mischaracterization. Of what we do. All right. Now, I've got to calm down, because that got me fired up.
Scott [01:18:24] I'm a Trekkie. You didn't think I was going to go there next, but my students now have a little Captain Kirk in my room. A little Spock. Idea. I see it. And if there are infinite diversity and infinite combinations, I know they've gone somewhere.
Scott [01:18:41] In the movie Star Trek 2, they have. The saying was the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few. And the whole point of the movie was that one of the characters dies and the whole major characters, they abandon everything about their they love about the star fleet and all that. And they go after this one because they care about them. And I think the point is. The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few or the one. But they don't. And teachers navigate this every single day. We always take in mind the needs of everyone. And the few and the one. And none of us are here for that one.
Scott [01:19:24] Everybody comes up here complaining about this mandate isn't going to be the one who has to deal with that kid that we're trying. You know, to protect. And we're not talking about this all class. We have a huge curriculum to do. You guys think we're in there saying like, All right, guys, let's see who wants to be gay today? All right. Because I'm going to spend the next 45 minutes talking. I can't get through my curriculum. I teach you as history. I need any more school year just to get through it. Teachers are not groomers. We're not indoctrinate ERs. We're not communists. I heard that again. You brought it up again. Okay. Teachers are composers. Teachers are. Conducting an orchestra of beautiful instruments that all sound differently. Sometimes they sound off when they're by themselves. Sometimes they want to sound like a different instrument. We make it sound beautiful, and we want them all to sound wonderful, and we have to work with them individually. We have to work with them as small groups and as big groups to make a beautiful song at the end.
Scott [01:20:26] We're not grooming anyone. We're making music. And if you think we're failing, I can't believe somebody you come up here and say stuff like. How many of our students get in front of these these mikes and do this? They're definitely paying attention in civics and in history. These guys up here, everything. You mentioned this to I mean, this is this is I'm so proud. I'm so damn proud of what we do in this district. We have amazing schools. We have amazing programs. We have amazing school board. We have amazing superintendent, Assistant Superintendent Joe's going to have to stay for 5 or 6 more years because he's amazing.
Scott [01:21:03] Okay. So I love what we do. And I'm so sick of some of these meetings where we focus on one thing that's not even a thing, okay? We should be celebrating everything we do. And that's my job because I'm also the public relations coordinator.
Scott [01:21:16] But it's like I come here, I feel like I'm just spinning my wheels. Okay. We're doing a great job. And we love your kids no matter what they want to be called, you know? And we all we love you guys, too. I love the parents. I love them. We're one big group, but I feel like we're getting lost in the mud here. And the muck, you know, must be proud. Okay. I don't want to leave on a negative note. I want you to go out of here being proud of being Oold Bridge people.
Scott [01:21:40] You moved here for a reason. And if you don't live here and you get up here and talk, I know there's a concerted movement out there that must be organizing this because it happens in a lot of board meetings. That's dangerous. You have a right to talk. But the school board should not be making decisions based on private political organizations that come in in organized stuff or religious. Okay. So I hope you take that on account when you make your decisions. Okay. But remember, it's all about the needs of the many, but also the needs of the one. All right. Thank you.
Mr Jordan [01:22:19] Anyone else. Okay. All business. A new business.
Council Person Jen [01:22:30] I have a few things I'd like to say. Um, I think I've more notes at this meeting than I have any other one. My worry is if we repeal it, not only. Do you have to have the consensus. To bring it back when things can be. Revised?
Council Person Jen [01:22:50] But also not only the danger to the student. But what about the danger. To the staff? Our kids go and have a safe corner drill. And if for a parent that hasn't been in the room, that's like an active shooter drill the kids find the corner away from the door in the window, and they gather all of them into the area behind me, like as close as they can. You.
Speaker [01:23:15] We have... We... Out one student who then takes it to the wrong way and retaliates against the staff member that told their parent now, not only am I worrying about the student, I'm worried about my staff and I don't want to put the staff in that danger. That's another whole layer to this.
Speaker [01:23:36] But Dave, to go to your point thing, if. And Chris, please answer that. If parents are active in their kid's education and ask the teachers, how are they doing, how are the kids doing? Unless the child says they're in danger or the teacher is allowed to answer that question honestly.
CouncilPerson Christopher [01:23:59] Yeah.
CouncilPerson Christopher [01:24:01] So I wouldn't I would need more clarification. What you're you're asking. But unless if the parents.... Teachers cannot lie to parents, if you ask any question about your students record health record academic staff cannot lie to your to you as a parent.
Council Person Jen [01:24:16] So again, it's it's the active parents, the parents that are going to conferences and having that relationship from with the parents. Those aren't the parents that don't know. It's the parents that don't provide that safe environment that the kids are worried about going home to.
Council Person Jen [01:24:36] And as far as the Self-discovery piece that came up before. I was a teenager. I know. I changed my clothes at the bus stop. I put on lipstick. I listened to music my parents might not have liked, you know, maybe read a book that wasn't, you know the right genre for my parents. But we all went through some kind of self-discovery. That's what teenagers is. So and the other part of this I'm not getting with the conversation is we're talking gender identity and. There's been a lot of sexuality and sexual orientation brought into this conversation.
Council Person Jen [01:25:11] That's not mentioned in this policy. So. To me there are two different. Thinks so. And to James point, I, I think all of the kids are treated as normal. And with all the teachers that I interact with throughout the school year, I don't know any with agendas. Like Scott said, like they just have curriculum. They want to get through worried when the principal is going to come and observe them, you know, are they going to perform awesome that day? And the kids actually paid attention and the teachers passing, you know.
Council Person Jen [01:25:45] But and all you have to do is go to one of our graduations. Or listen to Senior Night and see where our students are going. Old Bridge students are awesome around the world. They're going amazing places. So. I'm proud of Old Bridge. I think Old Bridge is doing awesome stuff. That's my 2 cents.
Mr Jordan [01:26:15] Any other new business.
Council Person [01:26:16] I have a question. So to piggyback on Mr. Antonio's point. Active parents. Everyone's so focused on parental rights. But for the parents that are involved. You have parental rights all the time. I mean. The school stopped teaching cursive. You know what I did? I went to the library. I printed out cursive, and I brought it home to my daughter. For her to learn cursive. Okay. We're all parents, right? And we all love our kids, right? Parental rights doesn't just stop when they go to school. Chris, just for clarification and maybe you could clarify. I can't. That parental rights policy that we have, the third paragraph, it says something that the parents should you know, they shall have. Information for the kids, medical, health, wellbeing and everything else like that. Does that conflict with 5657 or 5756, whatever the policy is?
CouncilPerson Christopher [01:27:21] They can be read together. Excuse me. They can be read together in that the the language in 9240 speaks about student records in terms of health, education, etc. To horribly simplify the report card, document,records,the file. Every discussion with a teacher or counselor does not necessarily make it into a student record per se. How are you today? The answer to how are you today? You know, there was discussion before about a normal kid. None of us were normal kids. There's no normal answer. So those two policies are not in conflict with each other necessarily. It would depend, as always, on the situation.
Council Person [01:28:08] So let's say the parent that's actively involved in the child's life, the parent would like to find out. Like I said, at the point as well, the parent would like to find out if my child is transitioning, if my child would like to be called Bonnie instead of Bill. The parent can call the school or write an email to the administrator of the school and Mr. Dino or Mrs. Hogan, and they can say, I would like to be notified if my child has this, this and this. Yes. Regarding the policy, the parental rights policy.
CouncilPerson Christopher [01:28:41] Yes, the parent could make that request. And I as always, it would be individually handled in most cases. I'm sure that would lead to an immediate dialog. As always, there would be exceptions to that rule, just like there are with every other interaction between a staff member and a student.
Jay Blade [01:28:59] Right. But the parent could call, write an email, ask for it, and the school would have to give it to them.
CouncilPerson Christopher [01:29:04] If it's a record, yes.
Council Person [01:29:05] Okay. Right. So if if the child would like to go as like, fine. If instead of Bill or Bill instead of Bonny, the parent writes an email and says, I would like to notify if my child decides to change genders or goes by a different identity, I would like to be notified. Can the parent be notified about that or does the 5756 not clear does that part. Thank you. I'm not a businessman. I'm a plumber. So does it supersede 57?
CouncilPerson Christopher [01:29:35] 56 simply says that there is no affirmative duty for the teacher to or whatever school employee to proactively make that call based on any discussion that has had. If it becomes a record, if there is a name change in any student records. All parents and legal guardians are immediately have that access, right.
Jay Blade [01:29:54] So, parents, if you're actively involved to do your job, be a parent. And Chris, just the drive at home, the teachers aren't prohibited. They're just not required to notify. Was that accurate?
CouncilPerson Christopher [01:30:15] That's correct.
Jay Blade [01:30:15] Okay.
Council Person 2 [01:30:18] Just my final topic on it, not so much about the policy, but the the practice that we have here in Old Bridge and I've spoken to. Some of our counselors. Some of our teachers. And some of our students in the LGBTQ platform and. What has been our practice is that if we have a student who comes and has a conversation with. Usually as a counselor. The counselors work with the students to build up that relationship, to build up that dialog, to be that bridge for that communication process. There's no staff member here. Staffers are tremendous. Far from groomers. They're tremendous people and they work hard to. Be that relationship, that bridge the family. And every one of the situations have I from the counselors that I've spoken to, the principals I've spoken to, there's not one of the. One third of a percentage point here of our student base that we're talking about that the parents aren't not not knowledgeable. Of the of the Charles decision. And. I think that's the important thing that our staff does. They they work to be the advocate for our students. They work to our students to be advocates for themselves, but they also be that bridging of information. And to do anything less to attack them any way. You know, Mr. ? makes a great point. I don't know if that's the point you're trying to make. Is that.
Council Person 2 [01:31:56] To attack teachers there. The first person to be standing in front of your kids when we do these lockdown drills, they're the ones to put their body in front of them. Ask yourself, how many teachers have been murdered across this country in the past five years by active shooter situations? When the targets were kids, but the teachers put themselves in harm's way. And to come to, you know, this place where we're going to say where the teachers are the problem. Our teachers do a great job. You know, and. We all don't have to have the same opinion, but. I. That was the lowest thing I've ever seen. And education was for an adult. To bully a kid. In our schools. That's what Old Bridges become. And if anybody here stands for and says that's a good thing, then we should all, you know, be ashamed of ourselves. We have no place in schools. If anybody standing here sitting here tonight says that was a good moment today. That was disgusting.
CouncilPerson Christopher [01:33:06] Any other board comments?
Council Person [01:33:08] Just one more thing. I just want to point out to Mr. Mazola and to what Mr. Dino just said.
Speaker [01:33:18] Are there. There's bad everything in every profession. But I'm willing to put my life on the line to say that 98% of the teachers. Are exactly like Mr. Mazola. And if you saw the way that he rose up from that desk and defended the student. Okay. There's. Thousands of other teachers just like him that would rise up and like Mr. Dino's point, put their body in between harm. And safety. And what he displayed to rise up as quick as he did and try to shut it down as fast as he did, I believe deserved some accommodations. So, Mr. Mazola, thank you. And. It was. It was. It was good. So thank you.
President BOE [01:34:17] Thank you. Anyone else? No. Um. So. No, sorry. Sorry. So we will not be going into executive session. So can I have a motion to adjourn the meeting?
Jay Blade [01:34:30] I kind of moves. I'll second. Just a little second.
President BOE [01:34:33] All in favor? (2 I's) Any opposed? (None) Any abstentions. (None) The board is adjourned at 10:02 p.m. Good night.